Hello friends here i am once again with intresting topic. Speech rocognize using ionic framework.
Follow the below steps.
1. create new project ionic project
ionic start speechRecognize blank
2. go to project directory
cd speechRecognize
3. add android platform
ionic platform add android
4. after adding platform then add below plugin
ionic plugin add https://github.com/poiuytrez/SpeechRecognizer
5. open your index.html and copy below line
<button ng-click="speechRecognize();">Click to recognize</button>
6. open app.js and copy the below lines under controller
$scope.speechRecognize = function()
var maxMatches = 5;
var promptString = "Speak now"; // optional
var language = "en-US"; // optional
}, function(errorMessage){
console.log("Error message: " + errorMessage);
}, maxMatches, promptString, language);
7. build and run the app
ionic run android
Njoy and till then keep asking..
Follow the below steps.
1. create new project ionic project
ionic start speechRecognize blank
2. go to project directory
cd speechRecognize
3. add android platform
ionic platform add android
4. after adding platform then add below plugin
ionic plugin add https://github.com/poiuytrez/SpeechRecognizer
5. open your index.html and copy below line
<button ng-click="speechRecognize();">Click to recognize</button>
6. open app.js and copy the below lines under controller
$scope.speechRecognize = function()
var maxMatches = 5;
var promptString = "Speak now"; // optional
var language = "en-US"; // optional
}, function(errorMessage){
console.log("Error message: " + errorMessage);
}, maxMatches, promptString, language);
7. build and run the app
ionic run android
Njoy and till then keep asking..